
13 April 2018

Andrew Zholobov discussed the observance of copyright on OTR airwaves


The SAGA Technologies JSC Director General took on the role of an expert at the PRAV!DA? (Russian «Am I right! Really?», similar to «pravda» – «truth») broadcast of the Public Television of Russia

The topic of the broadcast was set as «Copyright: is it an engine or a hindrance for import phase-out?». The members of the discussion touched on the issues of obtaining the technological sovereignty of the country and development of the real economy in the context of toughening of sanctions.

The members of the broadcast estimated the dependence of a number of production sectors of our country on foreign technologies as 80%. This, in the context of aggravation of political environment can pose a major risk to the development of the real sector and the entire economy.

One of the ways to achieve the technological sovereignty quickly is the so-called «Chinese way», meaning the copying of foreign technologies with no regard for patent legislation. This way is a slippery slope, it is not only useless but also will do harm to those of domestic manufacturers who develop and promote new technologies. And the situation when domestic manufacturers will have to struggle against domestic «pirates» besides external ones.

This point of view was adopted by other experts who consider that deliberate violation of copyright legislation is a «dirty pool» leading to nowhere.

The footage and verbatim report of the discussion are available on the website of the Public Television of Russia.

Source: The SAGA Technologies press relations service

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