On Thursday, November 24, the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation hosted the presentation of the VIII National Award in the field of industrial and digital advanced technologies «Prioritet-2022». The award ceremony, held by the Organizing Committee of the Award, was attended by outstanding representatives of the fields of science, business, media experts, authoritative public and state figures. Nominees from 69 regions of Russia gathered in the hall. 39 projects out of more than 100 candidates were named the best.
The SAGA Technologies company was awarded a finalist diploma for the production of high-tech equipment and IT solutions in the field of self-service systems in the «Financial Technologies» nomination.
The award was first given in 2015, when the task was set to create a permanent platform for identifying and encouraging the best enterprises of Russia that have achieved the greatest success in the field of import substitution, to provide them with high media coverage and public interest.
Now the award is awarded for achievements in the development, implementation and promotion of advanced Russian technologies in all areas of industry and IT. Organizations that develop advanced technologies, and enterprises that have implemented them, and companies and agencies that have achieved success in promoting them can also take part in it.
For 8 years, the «Prioritet» project has involved:
Source: The SAGA Corporation press relations service