SAGA Exchanger Software and Hardware System
The SAGA Exchanger Software and Hardware System has been designed by the SAGA group’s engineering team. It is the latest step to the automation of banking activities and a new opportunity for the expansion of functions of the existing automatic offices, as well as for creation of new points in hotels, airports, railway terminals etc.
The SAGA Exchanger currency exchange points offer the minimization of costs and maximum efficiency. The choice between the cash office and the self-service device is evident, considering that now clients prefer the automatic systems and feel confident about them.
The SAGA Exchanger Hardware and Software System allows:
- to make a currency exchange at the predefined rate;
- to deliver up to 6 currencies / nominal values in banknotes;
- to receive any number of currencies (if the necessary software for the cash acceptor and coinbox is installed);
- to make change left after the currency exchange in coins, up to 3 nominal values.
All the information considering the operation of the autonomous currency exchange points is accumulated in the uniform control and monitoring system.
The SAGA Exchanger Software and Hardware System may be integrated into the exterior software package by using the API, which allows:
- to update the current exchange rates;
- to submit reports to the bank’s internal business network;
- to interact with the encashment service;
- to interact with the support service.
The box solution consists of:
- the system core;
- the self-service devices network monitoring and control server;
- the network of the self-service devices equipped with the cash acceptor and coinbox, cash and coin dispenser with the pre-installed software.